Having a relapse plan is vital to prevent running in to trouble when and if relapsing. Your eating disorder team may help you create one, but you may also want to create your own for your own reference. Keep your relapse plan somewhere safe where you can see it; on your wall, fridge etc. A good relapse plan has six parts;

1) A list of things/triggers that you feel may cause a relapse to you personally.
2) A list of each situation that may cause you to relapse on the left and on the right a healthier mechanism of dealing/coping with it.
3) A list of negative thoughts regarding relapse/recovery on the left, with a list of positive thoughts regarding relapse/recovery on the right. The more you practise turning these negative thoughts in to their positive counterparts, the more easily you will learn to believe them.
4) A list of alternatives. When you are struggling through a difficult time it is very easily to be compulsive/reckless in your behaviour. Make a list of healthier coping mechanisms that do not include eating disorder behaviours. For a long list go here.
5) A contact list. During a relapse many people tend to isolate themselves. This can have dire consequences as this is the eating disorders intention; the less people around you, the more the eating disorder has you to itself. A list of contacts (names, numbers) to contact in a crisis is very important.
6) A list of things you can do to make you feel better after a slip. Going through a relapse is hard and you need to take time out.

Please click here for a blank 'relapse plan' for you to fill in.